Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Rock by Erilyn Heintz

When we hear the word rock certain images and ideas spring to mind. We tend to think solid, firm, perhaps unmoving and unyielding. These words describe the rock in my life; The Savior is my rock. We have been told by Bruce R. McConkie; "Christ is the Rock: the Rock of Ages, the Stone of Israel, the Sure Foundation—the Lord is our Rock!" This testimony of the Savior as our rock helps me to build on Him. The words that describe Him as solid and immovable strengthen me, because I know that He rules all. I can turn to Him in times of trouble and echo the words; "O the Rock of our salvation, Jesus, Savior of the world", asking for help and He will give it to me. He is my rock and I feel blessed to have such a solid foundation on which to build.

I was wondering how the word rock was used in the past, so I looked up an alternate meaning. "The Greek word for rock (“upon this rock”) is petra, a feminine noun meaning bedrock." After reading this description, I wanted more clarification, so I looked up bedrock. Bedrock is defined as "any firm foundation or basis". It appears that the people of the past described the rock as the very basis on which to build, the very sure foundation that would not fall beneath them. We are taught that if we have a sure foundation that runs deep into the ground, our structure will stand strong against opposition.

I sought the scriptures in order to describe my rock. In 2 Samuel, it was stated; "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer". This was the description I would use in order to describe my rock and foundation. He is the very basis of my existence. Without Him, I would not be where I am today. Everything in my life deals with Him in some way, whether it was created or influenced by Him. I live an amazing life because I have the Savior as the rock on which I build. Without Him, surely I would fall.

The gospel is described as the rock of my rock. He told us; "Build upon my rock, which is my gospel". We should look to the church in order to lead a sure and steadfast life. The gospel was returned to us in these latter days so that we could build our lives and actions on His teachings. We are given a promise if we follow Christ and build upon His rock. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, that this is my doctrine, and whoso buildeth upon this buildeth upon my rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them." This scripture teaches us that if we live as taught by the gospel of our Rock (the Savior) we will overcome Satan. It is a comfort to me to know that Christ will protect us from the devil that would seek to drag us down into an eternal pit of suffering.

I remember hearing my sister speak about turning to our rock, the Savior when satan thought to shake her foundation. She was in the hospital, alone and scared. Satan decided to take advantage of such a situation by worrying her even more, making her feel like she was truly alone and unwanted. Because of the foundation upon which she built, she knew she could use the power of the Savior to overcome adversity. She took a deep breath and spoke, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave." Immediately, she felt the love of the Savior fill her up as the power of Satan withdrew. She was just as the people of the scriptures, when they, "...remembered that God was their rock, and the high God their redeemer." In using this knowledge, she was blessed. Our rock and salvation strengthens and protects us. We know that if we build upon Him, we will not fall.

1.Bruce R. McConkie, "Upon This Rock"
2. O Thou Rock Of Our Salvation-hymns
3. 2 Samuel 22:2
4. Doctrine and Covenants 11:24
5. 3 Nephi 11:39
6. lds.org Questions and Answers
7. Dictionary.com
8. Psalm 78:35


Amanda S. said...

Neat! I like the language insight you include and the different ways that the Savior is the rock: both of your own life and of the Restoration. Good job!

erin said...

It's so helpful to know that Christ will be the rock in our lives! That he will be constant and unmoving for us and our faith!

Coleman said...

i really enjoyed your blog. i loved the root meaning. it shed lots of insight. i also liked how you used the scriptures to further provide support for youre own thoughts. good job.

Jmyrick said...

I liked how you went to the original meaning, bedrock, it really serves as a better description that way.

Mrs. Samantha Howard said...

The language insight was great and really helped me to understand what the "rock" of our redeemer means. I also like the powerful example that you used at the end of your blog

MD said...

I really liked how you related a personal experience. It really enhanced your post. Great job!

darajf said...

You have a beautiful testimony, and that came through in this blog. Thank you for sharing it.

Amy Jewkes said...

The analogy of rock is perfect for christ and how we must build out testimonies on him. I really enjoyed this.