Thursday, October 16, 2008

Becoming a Pure and Delightsome People by Daniel Gundersen

Becoming a Pure and Delightsome People by Daniel Gundersen

One of the main themes that can be drawn from the end of 2nd Nephi is how to become a pure and delightsome people ourselves, in addition to prophesying what will happen to the Lamanite people. “And then shall they rejoice; for they shall know that it is a blessing unto them from the hand of God; and their scales of darkness shall begin to fall from their eyes; and many generations shall not pass away among them, save they shall be a pure and a delightsome people.[1]” But the question is, how is this to be done? I believe there are a few steps that we, like the Lamanite people, can follow to become pure and delightsome.

First, we need to gain a better knowledge of the scriptures and the plan of salvation, while others must start on this path for the first time. “For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it—.[2]” This lack of knowledge is what the scales of darkness are. We need to come to the truth, or light, and embrace it. By doing this we will develop a desire to change. I have a friend back home named Luis Martinez whose story illustrates this principle. Before he had the missionaries over to his house, he was a pretty good kid; however, he did not have the “scales of darkness” peeled from his eyes. Within a relatively short time, you could see a change in him. He was baptized and confirmed. He took upon him the name of Christ.

This leads to the second step which is to take upon His Spirit and have the Holy Ghost. To continue the story, about a year later, it was stake conference. The stake president had asked him if he would bear his testimony before the numerous congregation. He accepted and the testimony borne that day was not one of someone blinded by the craftiness of men or lost in darkness. The spirit bore a strong witness of Christ and Luis was no doubt a pure and delightsome individual. His desires were like those of the Nephites who listened to King Benjamin’s address. “…we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.[3]” As we continue to do good continually, we ultimately become more Christ like.

This is the key to the third and final part of this process. We will have our countenances shine brighter. We need to take upon ourselves Christ’s countenance and we do this by becoming more Christ like. Alma, in his fifth chapter, delivers a sermon to his people and he asks them. “…my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances?[4]” What does this do for us. The more I complete this process the better I feel, the happier I am, and the healthier I look. I have also seen this in many lives. After all, “…God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.[5]” When we become more Christ like, we receive more of his light until eventually we hope to have no darkness left in us at all.

In addition to likening this scripture to ourselves, becoming a pure and delightsome people is truly happening to the Lamanites as the gospel is preached to them. President Gordon B. Hinckley has testified of this.
“I have been to Mexico a number of times extending over a period of many years. Once our people there seemed so poor, their education so meager. They appeared to be seriously handicapped in many ways. Now, recently, when the Mexico City Temple was dedicated, they came by the thousands. They were clean, their faces bright and smiling, their clothes neat and attractive. They bore every mark of education and refinement. There was something of greatness apparent in them. Most of them have the blood of Lehi in their veins. The shackles of darkness have fallen from their eyes, as promised by the prophets of the Book of Mormon. They have become “a pure and a delightsome people.” (2 Nephi 30:6.) What a wonderfully uplifting experience it was to be with them and to witness the miraculous power of God in their lives.[6]”
I can also testify of this and about ourselves too when we live the gospel with more dedication. The shackles of darkness do fall. We are enlightened and are blinded no more. We receive Christ’s image in our countenances as we become more Christ like to truly become a pure and delightsome people. I believe this with all my heart and say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
1) 2 Nephi 30:6
2) D&C 121:12
3) Mosiah 5:2
4) Alma 5:14
5) 1 John 1:5
6) Gordon B. Hinckley, “Rejoice in This Great Era of Temple Building,” Ensign, Nov 1985, 53.


Amanda S. said...

Daniel, this is a great blog. I like your insight on learning about the plan of salvation. Why do you think particular knowledge of the plan is so important?

Cynthia Hallen said...

You write well. I especially like the clearcut organization of your discourse. That makes it easy for the reader (or conference participant) to follow your thoughts.

Coleman said...

i enjoyed how you organized your blog and had your story continue on through the entire blog instead of telling it in one paragraph. i also liked how you posed questions. good job.

Jin said...

I liked how you threw your main idea in the begining of your blog. It was easier for me to get the main idea and focus on it while reading.Also, thank you for your testimony in the end of your blog.

Mrs. Samantha Howard said...

Since "faith without works is dead" what can we do to gain Christ's image in our countenance and to have the scales of darkeness removed from our eyes? Are there any specific works that we must do or is accepting Christ as our Savior enough?

darajf said...

Beautiful insights, Daniel! Even though the expression to "peel the eyes" kind of makes me cringe, I really feel uplifted by this post. Thanks!

mormongirl5of9 said...

Wow. This was amazing! I never really thought about becoming pure AND Delightsome.I mean we always emphasize purity... I really liked the example you used of the change in your friend.

Brandon Hunsaker said...

I liked your comment about what President Hinkley had to say about the Saints in Mexico. This comment illustrates that when we live the gospel the Lord will bless us and that we can accomplish more when we follow His will than when we do our own will

R. Lawrence said...

Sometimes we forget the effects of a testimony, that we can become and look so much better. Sometimes I wonder if I have yet taken on the appearance of those who went to the Mexico City temple.