Monday, November 24, 2008

Tainted Love, By Spencer Clegg

In this ever-changing world, it feels as though many of God’s basic ideals and principles are being altered by society. In fact, Satan has infected the minds of most people here on earth by making evil appear as good. Love is one of those principles that have been negatively altered by Satan and society today. Though there are many different aspects of love, we will focus on the following: Charity, Care, and Affection.

As we have all heard so many times, Charity is defined as “the pure love of Christ.” Jesus provided the ultimate act of love when he performed the infinite Atonement; coming here to earth to suffer for the sins of everyone that ever has or will live. In 1 Nephi 11:22-23 we see that the pure love of God is “most desirable above all things” and “most joyous to the soul.” The prophet Mormon taught that those filled with charity “envieth not, and [are] not puffed up, seeketh not [their] own.”(Moroni 7:45) However (although there are a few exceptions such as Bono or Bill Gates), today it seems rare to find even the slightest amount of charity, as everyone “seeks their own” and strives for personal gain. Even when there are charitable acts, the contributor generally does it to gain recognition, rather than doing it out of love. This is not how God intended charity to be defined and acted out, but as Christ showed it; through love and care for someone.[1]

When we love our families, we have care for them. In a regular, loving family relationship, we should care for one another no matter the differences. A prime example of this is displayed by the Lamanite people in Jacob 3:7, where “husbands love their wives, and their wives love their husbands; and their husbands and their wives love their children.”[2] This day and age, though, familial relationships are very limited. I have often heard (through my parents) of middle-aged brothers and sisters who haven’t talked in months because of minor conflicts. Also, many of us have listened to stories of converts who have been disowned by their families as a result of their joining the church. Though God is conditionally loving, it is to those who love the Lord back enough to follow His commandments.[3] This is demonstrated in John 14:23 when Christ says, “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him.” This is the type of care that should be used in the family even today.

With such debates such as Proposition 8 and gay rights being disputed today, it has become very apparent that the divine institution of marriage through affection has become corrupt. Same-sex marriages, or marriages that last no longer than a year, are portrayed today as okay or normal relationships. I feel safe in saying that even good LDS members have been slightly reduced in their ideas of a healthy relationship, as the world around them caves away to Satan’s influences. While the issue of Proposition 8 in California (to make illegal same-sex marriage) has been discussed on campus here at Brigham Young University, many students feel like it should be an individual choice. The idea of legalized gay couples does not make a difference in their perspective. The reason the LDS church has made such a stand on Proposition 8 is because The Church has a single, undeviating standard of sexual morality: intimate relations are proper only between a husband and a wife united in the bonds of matrimony.[4] In D&C 42:76, it says that those who commit adultery, “if they are not married, they shall repent of all their sins.” This is the type of affection that Heavenly Father wants to be exercised in a loving relationship.

Whether we are being charitable to those in need, providing care for our families, or exercising affection on a loved one, we must honor the Lord, and step away from the ideals of the world. I know those principles to be true, and do my best to exercise them in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

[1] Topic Definitions: Charity,
[2] LDS Scriptures (Scripture Searching Program), Keyword “Love”
[3] “Liahona,” “Divine Love” by Russell M Nelson (February 2003)
[4] The LDS Newsroom, “The Divine Institution of Marriage,” August 13, 2008


Amanda S. said...

This is a very powerful and timely blog. Thanks for your thoughts!

Daphna said...

I like your title because it reminds me of the song, which i also like! I liked that you bolded the scripture references because it makes it easy for the reader to be able to look up the scripture on his or her own time. nice username too by the way.

Jenni Perkins said...

i enjoyed reading your blog. you made a stance but you didn't belittle people that have a different point of view.

Roy Tialavea said...

Good Blog. Way to be open on points of view. Good work

Joe Olson said...

Great blog. Love the title. Great points and testimony.

Kamrie said...

You did a really great job. I liked how you closed by saying we must step away from the world.

D-Weezy said...

I have to admit that I had mixed feelings for prop 8 and that i was really torn. You make it clear in your blog that the proposition is nothing but a negative thing. Thanks homie.

Chelsey Porter said...

WOW! Awesome blog! I love that you are strong in your beliefs and back them up scripture.

Valerie said...

Really strong wording that really brought your message out. Nice job.

Natasha said...

Families are vitally important and I am glad that you too realize that we should show them love. Good blog. Thank you.

S C Payne said...

it's too true that when people give, they expect something in return. People are motivated by their own self-interest; if only they knew that having a true spirit of charity IS in their own self-interest.