Truth and soberness are two characteristics of a righteous follower of the Savior Jesus Christ. In one of David Bednar's 2008 New Era responses, he relates the story of truth and soberness as was exemplified by the 2,000 stripling warriors. We should attempt to follow their actions since we see that they were protected wholly by the Lord. Once we have obtained a knowledge of truth through faithful church endeavors and seek soberness through our acceptance and usage of the Atonement, just as the stripling warriors did, it will then be our commandment to teach and to love one another and to serve one another (Mosiah 4:15). Once we have obtained these two valuable characteristics, we will then have the ability to be better missionaries, parents, and members of the Church.
Being a missionary requires soberness which will enable them to act in the name of the Lord more effectively. In order to become the missionary that our Heavenly Father desires of them, it is necessary that they become sober; sober in the sense that they are humble and in tune with the Spirit to the point that they wouldn’t do anything contrary to what our Savior desires of them. Once they have obtained soberness themselves, they will then be able to create soberness and tranquility in the people that they teach. One of the greatest prophets to live upon this earth was Nephi. He was a man who did nothing contrary to the will of the Lord. Because of his obedience and soberness, he was then commanded to “teach them with much soberness (1 Nephi 18:10).” It is only after missionaries have obtained soberness themselves that they will be entrusted with the responsibility to teach soberness to others.
Parenting is a skill that can only be mastered through soberness and truth. In Mosiah 4, King Benjamin is addressing his people. In this address, he explained the keys to becoming a great member of the Church. One of the criteria for becoming a great member of the Church is to become a great parent, when the time comes. He counseled, “But ye will teach them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness; ye will teach them to love one another, and to serve one another (Mosiah 4:15).” In this verse we see, in very simple but profound words, what it is parents need to do to raise their children righteously. I feel that the key to teaching anyone is through the fact that you have already learned the material yourself. Children require trust. To gain the trust of their parents, it is necessary that the parents teach the children only after they have lived what they are teaching. The stripling warriors had the success they did due to the trust that they had in their parents. “We need not doubt our mothers knew it (Alma 56: 48).” “And this is the means whereby salvation cometh (Mosiah 4:8),” salvation for an entire family to live eternally in the presence of our Heavenly Father. While growing up, when I would accidentally walk in on my parents personal prayer and scripture study, it just showed me that they truly were trying to be the best parents they could. This was accomplished by them attempting to maintain truth and soberness in their parenting endeavors.
A righteous church member is a member that shows love through truth and soberness. Soberness is a quality that encircles all of the characteristics of humbleness. To be humble is to not boast for ones accomplishments or position. My brother, who is on his mission in Ecuador, writes home about experiences that he is having. One experience he had was with an Elder who felt that because he had the message of the restored gospel, he was better than those who didn’t. As my brother looked back upon that situation, he realized that their referral and baptism rates were going down. It was because the other elder wasn’t sober in his dealings with the people and, hence, was unable to convey truth to the people that so badly needed to hear the message of the restored Gospel. If we, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints commit ourselves to be sober, we will then have a greater ability to teach truth to our fellowmen.
“For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticing of the Holy Spirit (Mosiah 3: 19).” King Benjamin’s counsel is given to us from our Heavenly Father. To break this enemy relationship, it is vital that we obtain attitudes of truth and soberness; truth and soberness will then enable us to become better missionaries, parents, and church members. In my own personal experiences, I have learned that when I truly attempt to maintain the characteristics of truth and soberness in my every day life, I am more in tune with the Spirit. I know that if we all attempt to maintain these attributes in our every day lives, we can all come closer to the Lord and know of His will for us.
Works Cited
Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
LDS Scripture Concordance
Holy Bible
Letters from elder Mike Miller
Holy Bible
Letters from elder Mike Miller
I like the organization and applications that you choose--both specific and general. A personal experience and testimony would be great at the end!
I enjoyed reading your blog. First I just wanted to mention that my mother is an English teacher, so I hope you won't hate me for mentioning this one thing. In your sentence "Being a missionary requires soberness which will enable them..." Them should either be him (or her, or you could use "one" because you use the singular "missionary", you should not use the plural "them". Does that make sense? I really did like your blog and I think that you did a great job. I appreciate that you shared your testimony with me and others who may be prompted to read it. Thank you.
I really enjoyed this. Good examples of soberness nothing better than the 2000 stripling warriors way to tie it into missionary work to.
Nice job Adam. I absolutely agree that members of the church need to be careful of "boasting" about the gospel. Thanks for inserting that news from your brother on his mission. It makes your message seem more real. It makes me realize that I really need to be careful with what I say and how I act.
Very interesting blog, Adam! I really like the ways you connected truth and soberness to our lives, it made it easy to read and applicable. Good work :)
I liked how you connected truth and soberness to things like parenting and other everyday things. Sometimes I feel soberness is sort of intangible but you made it more clear. Thanks!
This is a very good blog. I really liked how you pointed out if we obtain characteristics of truth and soberness everything in our live will flow better and come with more ease, it was motivating ot me. Thank you and good job :)
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