Alma the Younger has always been one of my heroes. He was the first Chief Judge in The Book of Mormon. Alma had tremendous amounts of pressure heaped upon him because he was responsible for the welfare of the whole Nephite nation. He had to make several daunting decisions that bore enormous consequences. Whenever I have to make a tough decision I think of how Alma and other righteous judges’ decisions within The Book of Mormon can be applied to my circumstances.
In an individual sense each of us our like the judges within The Book of Mormon. Like the judges of The Book of Mormon we are each confronted with personal decisions daily that carry great consequences over time. While the judges of The Book of Mormon were given authority to make decisions concerning the affairs of the people these judges were expected to weigh their decisions based on the commandments. “For we will appoint wise men to be our judges, that will judge this people according to the commandments of God,” (Mosiah 29:11). If we make all our decisions based on the commandments of God, then our decisions will always be correct because we will always have the Holy Spirit to guide us as promised in the Sacrament Prayers, “That they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them,” (Doctrine and Covenants 20:79). I know that if I remember Jesus Christ through keeping his commandments then he will support me in all that I do.
A judge has the right to make decisions, but no matter how much authority he has, he cannot alter the consequences of his decisions. Within The Book of Mormon the judges of the Nephites were always under great pressure because their decisions would determine the whether people prospered of perished. When the judges made sober judgements the people were blessed by God. “And now it came to pass that Alma did walk in the ways of the Lord, and he did keep his commandments, and he did judge righteous judgements; and there was continual peace in the whole land, ” (Mosiah 29:43). Alma was able to make correct judgements because he not just judged his people according to the commandments but he lived his life in a way that was conducive to the commandments. Like Alma and other judges, “(we) are free to choose for (ourselves), (we) are not free to choose the consequences of (our) actions” (For the Strength of Youth 4). While this is a stern warning from the First Presidency, I am glad to know that if I live righteously like Alma I will not need to fear about the outcomes of my choices.
Each of us as judges of our own lives our accountable to the Saviour . Christ will judge us according to how well we followed the teachings within the scriptures. “Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith, and view this mortal body raised in immortality, and this corruption raised in incorruption, to stand before God to be judged according to the deeds which have been done in the mortal body?” (Alma 5:15). Not just are we accountable for whether or not we simply follow the commandments, but we are also responsible for how we use our time and resources. “You are also responsible for developing the abilities and talents Heavenly Father has given you. You are accountable to Him for what you do with your abilities and how you spend your time. Do not idle away your time. Be willing to work hard. Choose to do many good things of your own free will,” (For the Strength of Youth 4). I am not just responsible for keeping the commandments, but I am also responsible for all that God has given me in terms of time, resources, and talents. “For of unto him whom much is given, much is required,” (Doctrine and Covenants 82:3). I know that when I am judged someday the Lord will ask what use I made of the gifts and talents He gave me to help others. For this reason I do my best to use my time wisely.
Making wise use of my time has been a daunting task for me in college. Even when I have given my best efforts I have fallen short several times this semester. In my computer science class I have not been able to get the labs done on time because I do not grasp the material fast enough. I have been troubled as my grade in this class has been reduced and likewise how my other grades have dropped because I have had to give excessive amounts of time to just computer science. I have prayed about it constantly. I’ve told the Lord that I have done my best and made the best use of my time, but things just aren’t coming together. He answered my prayers and concerns. I was able to find tutors that helped me get these labs done. Then last week I received an email from my TA that all due dates had been pushed back because other students are struggling too. I know this was a direct answer to my prayers, and I am grateful for them. I know that while I have struggled this semester as I do my best in all areas of my life I will not be forsaken. For this reason I know the Church is true. It is simple experiences like this that have built my testimony and why I am so grateful to have the Gospel in my life. I know that Christ lives and atoned for us so that we can all have eternal life. He did it out of love. For this love I know he knows me individually, and he loves me and is concerned about my life just as my parents are or anyone else on Earth who is close to me. I know that Joseph Smith was called of God to restore the Church and that The Book of Mormon is true. I know that Thomas S. Monson divinely leads our church today. I bear testimony of these truths in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Works Cited
The Book of Mormon
The Doctrine and Covenants
For the Strength of Youth
In an individual sense each of us our like the judges within The Book of Mormon. Like the judges of The Book of Mormon we are each confronted with personal decisions daily that carry great consequences over time. While the judges of The Book of Mormon were given authority to make decisions concerning the affairs of the people these judges were expected to weigh their decisions based on the commandments. “For we will appoint wise men to be our judges, that will judge this people according to the commandments of God,” (Mosiah 29:11). If we make all our decisions based on the commandments of God, then our decisions will always be correct because we will always have the Holy Spirit to guide us as promised in the Sacrament Prayers, “That they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them,” (Doctrine and Covenants 20:79). I know that if I remember Jesus Christ through keeping his commandments then he will support me in all that I do.
A judge has the right to make decisions, but no matter how much authority he has, he cannot alter the consequences of his decisions. Within The Book of Mormon the judges of the Nephites were always under great pressure because their decisions would determine the whether people prospered of perished. When the judges made sober judgements the people were blessed by God. “And now it came to pass that Alma did walk in the ways of the Lord, and he did keep his commandments, and he did judge righteous judgements; and there was continual peace in the whole land, ” (Mosiah 29:43). Alma was able to make correct judgements because he not just judged his people according to the commandments but he lived his life in a way that was conducive to the commandments. Like Alma and other judges, “(we) are free to choose for (ourselves), (we) are not free to choose the consequences of (our) actions” (For the Strength of Youth 4). While this is a stern warning from the First Presidency, I am glad to know that if I live righteously like Alma I will not need to fear about the outcomes of my choices.
Each of us as judges of our own lives our accountable to the Saviour . Christ will judge us according to how well we followed the teachings within the scriptures. “Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith, and view this mortal body raised in immortality, and this corruption raised in incorruption, to stand before God to be judged according to the deeds which have been done in the mortal body?” (Alma 5:15). Not just are we accountable for whether or not we simply follow the commandments, but we are also responsible for how we use our time and resources. “You are also responsible for developing the abilities and talents Heavenly Father has given you. You are accountable to Him for what you do with your abilities and how you spend your time. Do not idle away your time. Be willing to work hard. Choose to do many good things of your own free will,” (For the Strength of Youth 4). I am not just responsible for keeping the commandments, but I am also responsible for all that God has given me in terms of time, resources, and talents. “For of unto him whom much is given, much is required,” (Doctrine and Covenants 82:3). I know that when I am judged someday the Lord will ask what use I made of the gifts and talents He gave me to help others. For this reason I do my best to use my time wisely.
Making wise use of my time has been a daunting task for me in college. Even when I have given my best efforts I have fallen short several times this semester. In my computer science class I have not been able to get the labs done on time because I do not grasp the material fast enough. I have been troubled as my grade in this class has been reduced and likewise how my other grades have dropped because I have had to give excessive amounts of time to just computer science. I have prayed about it constantly. I’ve told the Lord that I have done my best and made the best use of my time, but things just aren’t coming together. He answered my prayers and concerns. I was able to find tutors that helped me get these labs done. Then last week I received an email from my TA that all due dates had been pushed back because other students are struggling too. I know this was a direct answer to my prayers, and I am grateful for them. I know that while I have struggled this semester as I do my best in all areas of my life I will not be forsaken. For this reason I know the Church is true. It is simple experiences like this that have built my testimony and why I am so grateful to have the Gospel in my life. I know that Christ lives and atoned for us so that we can all have eternal life. He did it out of love. For this love I know he knows me individually, and he loves me and is concerned about my life just as my parents are or anyone else on Earth who is close to me. I know that Joseph Smith was called of God to restore the Church and that The Book of Mormon is true. I know that Thomas S. Monson divinely leads our church today. I bear testimony of these truths in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Works Cited
The Book of Mormon
The Doctrine and Covenants
For the Strength of Youth
Ha great title! It made me laugh. You have some beautiful points throughout your blog. I can tell you put a lot of time and thought into it. Wonderful:)
Creative title! Can you carry the theme of judges and judging throughout each of your paragraphs maybe more extensively?
i like your title and picture. It made me think of all the judges in the world and of all the different types of judgment.
Your title still has me laughin. Thanks for your wisdom and for the comparison of the different kinds of judges. Great work.
I can really empathize with what you had to say about balancing your time to get a good grade in all your classes, hopefully, as time passes it will be easier for both of us to use our time more judiciously. :)
Awesome blog I loved it! I really like how you point out that if we are keeping the Lord in our thoughts and actions we will never be wrong and never have anything to fear.There is a power in those statements that is very comforting.
The time management part is excellent. A very snazzy title. Thank you.
I loved the title! Oh Judge Judy...she's a tough one. haha. Your blog was great!
I'm really glad to have my savior, the person who loves me more than anyone else ever could, as my judge at the last day. There will be no errors in his judgement.
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