Monday, November 17, 2008

Firm, Forever By Rachel Rawle

The people that I most admire and respect in my life can, among other words, be described as firm. Firm in their beliefs, in their love and relationships, in their morals and ideals, and firm in their self image. This state of being firm means literally to be fixed, not likely to change, and steadfast or unwavering. What a great way to approach life, to be fixed and sure in your beliefs and virtues. This quality of being resolute creates a strong and influential individual. But to become firm in your beliefs can be something rather difficult to acquire and develop. Therefore I would like to discuss reasons why being firm is a good characteristic, how to become so, and the blessings that can be gained.
In our society today, it is often characteristic of many to be “people pleasers”. This somewhat slang term refers to the way that one will act differently around different groups of people as to please whomever he or she is with. This may include the changing of opinions, of ideas, or of morals and standards. This creates inconsistencies and even dishonesty in one's dealings with others. To be firm in mind and spirit will avoid these problems. When one is firm, they are unchanging, and they are constant and sure with everyone they encounter. This honesty and continuity is a very admirable quality. David A. Bednar illustrates the importance of being firm, saying, “...a person who is steadfast and immovable is solid, firm, resolute, firmly secured, and incapable of being diverted from a primary purpose or mission.”(1) One who can attain this attribute of being firm will have the ability to be strong and focused in whatever may be encountered in their life. Being firm in mind can give one the strength to press forward through trials and difficulties.
After realizing the benefits of having firmness of spirit, the question becomes, “How do I obtain it?” This characteristic can be gained through many types of things including church attendance, personal scripture study, and fasting. Anything that can strengthen your spirituality can also give you firmness of mind. Several places in the scriptures offer ideas and examples of firmness. The first is in Alma where it says, “When these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin...”(2) This scripture is a beautiful example, showing that these people would rather die, than do something they knew was wrong. This can be applied to our lives. Having strong morals and standards will cause you to stand firm when those morals are challenged. The second scriptural example also comes from Alma, where it states, “And their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually.”(3) Having trust in the Lord is dynamic for becoming resolute. When one depends on the Lord and relies on Him for comfort and support, they are strengthened. The last example from the scriptures is in Alma, saying, “And they were also distinguished for their zeal towards God, and also towards men; for they were perfectly honest and upright in all things; and they were firm in the faith of Christ, even unto the end.”(4) The last way to become strengthened is through faith in Christ. This can give one the power and determination to overcome any obstacle that may come their way.
As with any principle of the gospel, once firmness is attained or beginning to develop, the Lord gives blessings. Blessings can come in various ways, but all are showing the love of God and that he is pleased with certain behavior. One of the most comforting benefits that can come from having firmness of mind and soul is stated in Jacob. It reads, “Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send down justice upon those who seek your destruction.”(5) What a beautiful and uplifting scripture. If we can look unto the Lord with firmness of mind, he will comfort and support us through afflictions. He will also side with us in whatever may come our way. Another blessing we can receive also comes from Jacob. It says, “ O all ye that are pure in heart, lift up your heads and receive the pleasing word of God, and feast upon his love; for ye may, if your minds are firm, forever.”(6) Again, this is a great and merciful blessing the Lord will bestow upon us, to have his love and receive his word forever. These blessings as well as many others are ours if we can become firm and strong.
As demonstrated, having firmness of mind and body is a very respectable quality, that when obtained will bring blessings and joy to our lives. We need to be strong in our standards, trust in the Lord, and have faith in Christ. When we put forth the effort, we can develop more sound minds and actions. We can have the strength to stand up for whats right, in every circumstance and situation that we may encounter. Firmness of mind gives us comfort and perseverance in trials and problems in our lives.
Works Cited
(1) Alma 24:19
(2) Alma 27:27
(3) Alma 57:27
(4) Bednar, David A. “Steadfast and Immovable.” New Era. Jan 2008
(5) Jacob 3:1
(6) Jacob 3:2
(7) The Scriptures: CD-ROM Edition 1.1


Amanda S. said...

Rachel, good job! I liked the scriptures you chose as support. What is the difference, in your opinion, between trusting the Lord and having faith?

Marci Robison said...

Wow. Great job! I liked how you not only told us what firmness is, but you also told us how to acquire that attribute ourselves. I greatly appreciate your insights. Thanks!

Sweet Baby Grace said...

Rachel, you picked a wonderful topic and did an incredible job explaining your topic. The scriptures you used were distinguished and very supportive of your topic of firmness. Thank you so much for your beautiful testimony:)

jessie kay said...

Nice job Rachel! You did well using resources that strengthened your message.Thanks for sharing your testimony with me. =]

D-Weezy said...

Jacob 3:2 is my favorite scripture. It gives us all such great hope no matter what is happening in our lives. Thanks

Alexa said...

Awesome blog! I loved the scriptures you used, and you always used them in just the right places.