Monday, November 24, 2008

A Christlike Love by Andrew Lutes

We have been commanded by Jesus Christ, to “love one another”(1) as he has loved us. It is difficult, at times, to imagine how or why we should love everyone. Why is it required for us, as Christians, to love one another, despite any wrongdoings or contentions we may have? It is simply because we should have obtained a love of Christ which love is the greatest of all. Simply that Christ has told us that, if we love him, we should keep his commandments.(2) Which commandment he gives to love one another. This seems relatively easy when we consider what it means to have a love for our Saviour.
“Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever.”(3) With this insight from Moroni we know that we are showing our love for Christ when we are selflessly giving of ourselves. It is through the service to our neighbors that we prove ourselves. By giving of ourselves, our goods, our time we can show that we are true Christians. We can show that we truly love our Lord and that we love and honor his commandments.
King Benjamin teaches us that “when we are in the service of [our] fellow beings [we] are only in the service of [our] God.”(4) It is this way that we show our love of Christ through service. When we serve another we are showing love to that person and love to our God and our Saviour. This is the greatest display of love and obedience we can show.
Despite this attempt to convey our love and thanks we can never do anything comparable to the love our Heavenly Father has for us. He loved us so much that he was willing to “give his only begotten Son,” our Saviour. At the same time he made us a promise that “whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”(5) This gift is the greatest of all gifts and is the reason we are on this Earth.
We were sent here to obtain a body, to be tried, and to ultimately gain eternal life. This is obtained through a belief and love of Christ. Which in turn leads us to an obedience to the commandments. These commandments tell us to love one another and to give of ourselves to those that stand in need. I know my Redeemer lives, and he loves me. Despite my faults and my sins. I want to return that love to him in kind and the only way I know how is through love of those around me.

“We can only learn to love by loving.” - Iris Murdoch

Scripture References

(1)John 14: 15
(2)John 13: 34
(3) Moroni 7: 47 – 48
(4)Mosiah 2: 17
(5)John 3: 16


Amanda S. said...

This is a great start! I would love to see more personal experiences and quotations to support and develop the points you have.

Daphna said...

I like the picture you included. I think it is important to remember all that Christ has done for everyone.

Sweet Baby Grace said...

Great blog Andrew! I agree with Amanda I would like to read more about your personal experiences. You had some great references and some awesome points, I also loved your picture. Great job!

Roy Tialavea said...

Great picture, great blog, Great topic. Well done bro

Joe Olson said...

Great blog. Very neat personal experiences. Reminded me of Christ a lot thank you.

Kamrie said...

Good job!My favorite part of your blog was your selection of the picture :)

Kamrie said...

Good job!My favorite part of your blog was your selection of the picture :)

D-Weezy said...

I too would have liked to see more personal experiences but i think it all pieced together well. Thanks for your testimony.

Natasha said...

I enjoyed your blog. Charity is the pure love of Christ. When we serve, we grow to love. Thank you.

S C Payne said...

I liked the ending quote. There are some things that you can study for and thereby become better at, but love is one thing that has to be practiced in order to be grown.