Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Risking Faith by Brittney White

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has courage to lose sight of the shore.” –Unknown*

The fourth Article of Faith declares that we believe the first principle of the Gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Without faith we have nothing. Without faith we have no Book of Mormon, no Restoration, and no First Vision because it was through faith that each of those things came forth. It was by faith that the Liahona worked and it was by faith that Lehi’s family was guided to the Promise Land. In 1 Nephi 16:28 it reads, “[the Liahona] did work according to the faith and diligence and heed which we did give unto [it].” From these examples we can see that faith is more than simply saying “we believe”: faith is an action.

Faith is taking a step into the dark and trusting that the Lord knows the way. The above epigraph expresses that idea—faith is taking a risk. The word “risk” has many negative connotations, so let me explain what I mean, when we take a leap of faith we do not know what the exact outcome will be. We do know that the Lord will keep his promises and eventually we will reach the Promise Land if we remain faithful, but we have no idea what the intermittent journey will entail. We know that if we leap God will catch us; what we don’t know is how or when.

As we continue through life’s wilderness new challenges will arise; therefore, we must always listen for the promptings of the Spirit and have faith that the Lord will guide us. Sometimes we will be prompted to do things outside our comfort zone (hopefully nothing as drastic as killing Laban or building a ship). When new experiences occur we should remember what Richard G. Scott once said, “To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never before done.”** Since none of us have reached the Promised Land, we must have faith that the Lord knows the way—we must have faith to do things we have never before done.

When I have followed the Lord in faith I have felt the truth of M. Russell Ballard’s words when he said, “God expresses his love for us by providing the guidance we need to progress and reach our potential. … He who knows most about us, our potential, and our eternal possibilities has given us divine counsel.”*** My decision to attend Brigham Young University is an example of the Lord providing guidance in my life. I did not want to come to BYU. I had never been to Utah, let alone Provo and all my friends were attending BYU-Idaho. However, I strongly felt that I should go to BYU. So I followed Nephi’s counsel and inquired of the Lord (see 1 Nephi 15:8, 11). When I prayed those feelings were strongly confirmed, so I took a leap of faith and I have been blessed.

There are two scriptures that continue to impact me as I make important decisions at this pivotal point of my life. They are Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” and Alma 37:37 “Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good.” To me those scriptures are expressions of faith because by trusting in and counseling with the Lord we put our faith in Him and allow Him to guide our steps. Faith is the first principle of our religion because without it the other steps cannot take place. Unless we have faith to find the path, we cannot proceed down it—but if we have faith nothing can stop us because the Lord will be with us.

* Cook, David C. God’s Little Devotionals. September 2001. P. 141
** Richard G. Scott, “Finding the Way Back,” Ensign, May 1990, 74
***“The Gospel of Jesus Christ Teaches the Eternal Potential of the Children of God,” Ensign, Sep 2008, 65


Unknown said...


I loved your essay! I especially liked your title/topic. Faith is a risk-it's not always easy. People say "we need to have faith" but the seriousness of it is not always understood. You taught how we need to have faith and trust in the Lord for him to help us. It was great how you put personal experiences into your blog as well.
Thank you. I enjoyed reading this!!

Amanda S. said...

Your essay seems to really focus on faith "without sight," or the need to trust in the Lord even though we may face the unknown. This idea really stands out to me, and is a great expression of childlike humility and trust in the Lord. What does your introduction have to say about this focus?

Jamie said...

I really like the quote that you used at the beginning and the quote by Richard G. Scott. It is important for all of us to remember that there will be many times in our lives when we have to take major leaps of faith. But, if we trust in the Lord, He will bless us!!

BoM Baller said...

"We know if we leap, God will catch us..." Such a graphic, awesome post! Great use of personal experiences.

Christie Beck said...

This was a great post! I really liked the personal experience that you related about coming to BYU because it showed that you are really trying to live the principles that you teach.

Valene said...

I loved this post! Sometimes faith really does require taking a risk, which is one of the reasons it's so hard. Thank you!

R. Cameron Green said...

your opening paragraph is very powerful and helped remind me of the importance of faith over the course of history and exactly how lost we would be if certain individual's did not develop and practice it with such strength.

Kevinsa said...

Your use of personal experiences really helped make your essay shine. Great job.

Hi'ilei Barrows said...

I like your starting quote. I too didnt want to come to BYU at first so did a lot of praying and i am so glad i am here.

D-Weezy said...

Thanks for sharing your personal experiences about times when you have personally exerted your faith. I like your title a lot too. Makes me think. ha. Good work