Wednesday, September 24, 2008

By Small Things, Great Things Brought to Pass: Roy Tialavea

In Berlin, Germany, pieces of what was once the infamous wall dividing the citizens of that city were lying about—preserved as a memorial to the triumph of freedom. Written on one piece of the wall in bold, red letters were these words, “Many small people in many small places doing many small things can alter the face of the earth.” We as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints can use this example of the Berlin Wall as a great motivator showing us that many simple and small things can affect our world and the world of others greatly.

In the Book of Mormon, as Alma speaks to his son, he tells him “Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise” (Alma 37:6). This statement is very powerful proving that in the process of the gathering of Israel, by us making just a small attempt to act as a missionary, marvelous works can come forth. In many instances we all find reasons to not do something, not going to family home evening one week, choosing to not read your scriptures every now and then, or simply not attending all three hours of church each week. Although these may be simple tasks they do lead to one’s spiritual well being, and in turn are of great importance. Many times we contemplate doing something very simple as trying to get your one of your non-member friends involved in the church. A useful way of doing this could be doing something as giving a Book of Mormon with your testimony written inside. As this task seems so simple this may seem very hard to do seeing as it could make your friendship awkward, but as you think about doing this listen to the words in the Doctrine and Covenants, “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God...“And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father” (D&C 18:10, 15). And as this task may sometimes seem purposeless and too simple to actually go about and do, any chance of saving one’s soul can be of enormous importance to our lord.

A great example of this can be traced to the very existence of this church. We all know the story of the 14 year old boy Joseph Smith, doing something seemingly so simple as heeding to the words of James 1:5, and going to the woods to pray and ask the lord which church is the true church. This simple and humble prayer, by this innocent young boy, has led to the Restoration of the Priesthood of our lord, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and ultimately the salvation of millions of souls. This marvelous work was brought forth by many small and simple things: reading the scriptures, humbling oneself before the lord, and applying the scriptures to action.

By doing something so small as saying hello to a stranger, smiling at somebody, or giving a Book of Mormon to your friend, great and marvelous works can be brought to pass and through the lord anything is possible.

Anne C. Pingree, “Charity: One Family, One Home at a Time,” Ensign, Nov 2002, 108

Alma 3:7

James 1:5

D&C 18:10, 15


Cynthia Hallen said...

I heartily agree with your thesis about the impact of small things. And you are a good example of the principle of being faithful in the ordinary duties of life, because of your regular attendance and participation in class. Did your essay include a study of one of the words in our syllabus, or did you ask me about doing another topic? The last two paragraphs seem short compared to the beginning ones. Could you use a personal story to support your ideas for the conclusion?

BoM Baller said...

Your theme was clearly stated and then was the basis throughout. I know that sounds basic but a lot of people have a hard time with it, whereas you did very well.

Valene said...

I really liked how you opened your essay with the example of the Berlin Wall. To me, it's doctrine outside the church, proving that it's true. Good Job!

R. Cameron Green said...

“Many small people in many small places doing many small things can alter the face of the earth.” i had never heard this before, and found it especially insightful.

Hi'ilei Barrows said...

good point on how not doing little things add up. small and simple things truly do have a great impact on others.

D-Weezy said...

I like how you incorporated joseph smith into your essay. He is the one of the greatest examples of faith. Thanks for your thoughts and insights.