When first deciding on which topic to write, I saw the word soul. The first thing that came to my mind was; "Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee, How great thou art!". I knew at once that this is what I should write on, my soul singing praise to the Lord and His son, Jesus Christ. We are taught to keep the commandments, all the while "pointing our souls" to Christ. If we look to Him with our whole souls, doing His will, we will be blessed. James E. Faust told us; "Holiness is the strength of the soul. It comes by faith and through obedience to God's laws and ordinances". Our souls will be strengthened through obedience.
I could relate to Enos when he said; "my soul hungered, and I kneeled down before my Maker". On more then one occasion, I have turned to the Lord because of a hungering soul. My soul has hungered for knowledge, comfort, and guidance. One thing that we have been instructed to do is "hunger in (Our) soul(s) for righteousness". Once, when my soul hungered for righteousness, I sought the Lord to help me to show more love and less contention. Due to the desire of my soul, I was blessed and my relationships were strengthened.
After the hungering of the soul, and after one seeks the Lord, He will comfort and bless them. Enos, after turning to the Lord, said that his "soul did rest". He turned to the Lord for comfort and the Lord provided for him. On one occasion, when my sisters and I felt lonely and scared, we turned to the Lord in prayer and then read our scriptures. We opened to Doctrine and Covenants 61:36, which said; "be of good cheer little children, for I am in your midst and have not forsaken you." This was speaking directly to us and immediately comforted us. Right after reading that, my soul did rest. I no longer felt fear or loneliness. He was there with me, guiding me along the way.
When seeking knowledge from the Lord "their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word". The people sought knowledge and truth and the Lord answered their prayers. He not only gave them knowledge of mind, but a knowledge in terms of the soul. He filled their souls with the light of truth. I have had this light and knowledge present itself to my soul. While teaching a Sunday School lesson, my soul was filled with light. I knew which experiences I should share with my class, and I did. After class was over, a number of people told me that it was the best lesson they had had since being here at BYU. I was so grateful that the Lord saw it fit to fill my soul with light so that I could know how to best teach my class. "No person whose soul is illuminated... can ... remain passive". I knew that I could not be passive, that I must express myself and my delight.
After being enlightened the people's "souls did expand, and they did sing redeeming love". They knew they had been blessed, because their souls had expanded, so they sang praises to the Lord. I have felt this in my own life. I have had occasions when I have been blessed and I felt the urge to sing. When sitting in the temple, I felt the spirit so strong, I wanted to burst out in a chorus of "I Believe in Christ". I have felt the love of the Lord and His son Jesus Christ. That love makes my soul sing. "Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee, How great thou art! How great thou art!".
In closing I would like to bear my testimony that I know this church is true. I know the truth of the Lord and His son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. They love us and bless us. They want us to feel their love. They speak to our souls, enlighten our souls, and cause our souls to expand. May we continue to live in the way they would have us live. I hope that we can all feel their love so that our souls may sing praises unto them. I love the Lord. I close in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
1. image-http://www.dpicreations.com/beliefs/atonement02.jpg
2. How Great Thou Art, hymns #86
3. Jacob 4:5
4. James E. Faust, "Holiness Speaks to the Soul"
5. Enos 1:4
6. Finding Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by Robert D. Hales, slightly altered
7. Enos 1:17
8. Alma 5:7
9. Refined in our trials by James E. Faust
10. Alma 5:9
I got a bit confused when you were talking about the people of Alma. It might help to introduce the quotes you use. I like the chronological organization as you follow this story, though--it gives it nice flow.
Erilyn, I really enjoyed your blog about the soul. I love the personal experiences that you shared. The words you use in your blog are beautiful. Good job:)
You did a really great job. I loved it. I liked your personal experience with your sisters, but I think that if you could use a more specific experience, it would help me (and other readers) to better connect and empathize with you as the writer. Thank you for your testimony. :)
I enjoyed reading your blog. I love in the scriptures whenever it mentions singing, and i love the phrase "then sings my soul." And i like how you incorporated that into your post.
I love your examples of feeding the hungering soul. Your personal example was great an example for everyone.
When I saw the title of this blog I knew I had to read it. he he.. I LOVE music! You did a really nice job incorporating it into your message. My soul also yearns to praise my God which is why I am a dancer. That is how my soul expresses its love and gratitude for my Father. Thanks for your insights. =]
"No person whose soul is illuminated... can ... remain passive", Such a good insight! I loved your blog and your enthusiasm for singing. Great Job
How Great Thou Art is one of my favorite hymns. I liked how you worded "pointing your soul to Christ." The personal experiences made this blog touching and personal. Awesome job
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