Finding truth along the journey through this life is a difficult thing to accomplish, however if we do so, we will be blessed along the way and our voyage will be much more beneficial to our future exaltation. Our family and friends are there to help us along the way for anything that we need. Truth brings peace of mind, and is everlasting and eternal. Finding truth is a process that we all go through at some point in time that will increase our understanding for our Heavenly Father's plan of Salvation.
All my life I have always been taught to tell the truth no matter what. As a child, I never understood the significance and importance of telling the truth in any situation, but more importantly knowing the truth for myself in any circumstance. Honesty and integrity are vital when telling the truth and in the end, it is probably those little things that will be the most beneficial in the world to come. When faced with a choice on whether to tell the truth or not, often times we don't tell the whole truth. Each time we do this it becomes harder and harder to tell the truth and it can often become a lie. Lying becomes easier, and you come in contact with trouble much more often. Truth lies in everything that we do, therefore is vital for our well being that we always remember to be honest in all we do. While growing up, there was always a picture that was hung on my bathroom wall that read, "If you live close to God in His infinite grace, you won't have to tell it, it will show on your face." I loved and honored this quote growing up and it always seemed to inspire me throughout my day and I have always remembered it since then. If we are honest in all our dealings, like we are commanded to do, we will live happier lives closer to the Lord.
Truth is everlasting and unchanging. Just like the gospel, it is not different in various locations around the world, it is the same everywhere. This brings comfort and gladness to me because knowing that no matter what, it is the same wherever I go, and that brings a sense of personal confidence. I am taking a family recreation class right now and in it, we have been studying about how families adapt to change. Research has shown that families and people in general fear change and do what they can to prevent it. The gospel, being unchanging sets a foundation for our beliefs and standards. Change is all around us all the time, so having that foundation is exactly what people look forward to. Christ is the ultimate example of being perfect and steadfast. He is the epitome of truth and light. "... and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light; Yea and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as a witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places..." (Mosiah 18:8-9) The spirit always speaks truth if we listen. "...for the spirit speaketh truth and lieth not. Wherefore it speaketh of things that really are, and of things as they really will be; wherefore these things are manifested unto us plainly for the salvation of our souls..." (Jacob 4:13) Our goal here on earth is to become like Christ, and he sets the perfect example for us to follow. At one point in my life, I was pondering the thought of why it is so hard to just succeed. It is what I truly desire so why is it so hard to do? I soon came to realize that I am the one that made it hard. Heavenly Father gave me all I need to make it through and all I needed to do was try, and search for the divine everlasting truths that will direct me closer to him.
Finding truth is not always an easy goal to accomplish. It takes dedication and hard work. I think that the first step to finding truth is desire. We must have the desire to seek those eternal truths. Often times we want it but we don't do anything to receive it, therefore we must also seek it and find it. A favorite hymn of mine reads, "I love to read the holy scriptures, and every time I do, I feel the spirit start to grow within my heart a testimony that is true search, ponder and pray are the things that I must do, I feel it reside, and deep inside I know the scriptures are true." Next we must search, ponder, and pray. These simple children's lyrics are so vital to finding great truths. Last, but not least, we must have faith. I think that faith is one if not the most important thing to remember in this life. If we have faith and do our part, everything else will fall into place. Finding truth brings faith, as well as trust in our Savior Jesus Christ. I think that throughout our lives we all experience a time when we question what the truth is. I know I did and I have seen it in others as well. "For I have an aunt and uncle who left the church a few years back. My grandparents were not happy and did not support them in any way possible. They actually kicked them out of their house when they told them, which in my opinion was not the Christlike in any way. They are searching for truth and this is part of their searching process. "And now, my beloved, how is it possible that these, after having rejected the sure foundation, can ever build upon it, that it may become the head of their corner?" (Jacob 4:17) My aunt and uncle will never return if they do not leave first and that is just how is is with them. However even though they are searching for truth I still think that is important to love and care for everyone along the way. Rejecting them will push them farther and farther away from returning. "For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be unless he yeilds unto the enticings of the holy spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love..." (Mosiah 3:19) Maybe some day they will return even if it is not in this life, however they are going through the searching process and it is my job to help them along the way to find those eternal truths.
I know that searching for eternal truths is a difficult thing to do for I have done this myself. But once you find them, and you know where you are, who you are, and where you are going, you will lead a happier more Christlike life which is our ultimate goal. I had found those truths that made my life a better and more experienced one. Another goal of mine is to teach my chidren these wonderful truths and they can fing them for themselves and enjoy the excitement that life has to offer. I can only hope that one day I will succeed in teaching this to my children for they are the future generation. "But ye will teach them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness; ye will teach them to love one another, and to serve one another." (Mosiah 4: 15) I know that this church is true and I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are real. During high school, I became very close with many of my teachers and one day my Biology teacher, and friend asked me why I was so happy all of the time and I had no idea why. He said to me, "I think you know." And I pondered it but found nothing. He later told me that it is because I know that I am a child of God and I know where I am and where I am going. That brought me pure happiness beacuse I know that my testimony comes from personal desire to find those eternal and everlasting truths and that I can return to live with my Heavenly Father once more. And that is my ultimate goal that I will achieve.
The Book of Mormon
The Doctrine and Covenants
LDS Childrens Songbook
The Holy Bible
I liked reading your blog. However, toward the end I had trouble following the story line because there was some stray punctuation and the same word twice. I am grateful for your testimony. Reading your testimony has helped me strengthen mine. Thank you.
Great blog Savanna! I like how you put one of your own pictures in your blog. You had great personal experiences that went really well with your topic. Thank you for your beautiful testimony. I enjoyed it very much:)
I liked how you said truth takes dedication, hard work and desire. This is so true. Reading your post made me reflect about my own honesty and integrity
Great personal experiences. Finding truth and joy in the journey is very difficult but I totally agree with you once we find that truth and joy our understand of God and His plan will become a lot stronger.
Your blog was great, I loved your personal experiences and comments. It made your blog easy to connect with. Very good!
Nicely done. I liked the quote that hung in your bathroom. Its so beautiful that we can have Christ's countanance in our faces!
I really enjoyed your blog I like how you point out that finding truth will not always be easy but with the Lords help anything is possible and he will help you along the way. Awesome!
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