How do you stand firm for righteous beliefs? To stand firm for something that is righteous requires the deepest commitment, faith, and courage. Not only will the world try its hardest to tear you down, but Satan and his followers will also try their hardest. When Satan and his followers attack you and attempt to break you down, you have to “…look unto God with firmness of mind…” (1) having faith that He will deliver you and I know He will. You will be “...strengthened by the hand of Lord…”(2).
How can I obtain this firmness? My answer to this question is prayer. My dad has always taught me that nothing happens until a prayer is said and I testify that this is a true and simple principle. The Lord will bless you with those things you stand in need of. He knows the righteous intents of your heart. We must be like Enos and cry “…unto to him a mighty prayer…” (3) to receive the commitment, faith and courage it takes to stand firm. When you sincerely pray to the Father, and are willing to submit yourself to His work the blessings you will receive will come in such abundance that you will not be able to count them.

Why is there reason for me to be firm in my beliefs? God needs strong, willing servants to proclaim His gospel, this is why there is great need to be firm in your beliefs. The perfect example for this was the prophet Abinadi. God called upon him to proclaim His words and he did not let God down. Abinadi stood firm in the court of his enemies and “…answered them boldly and withstood all their questions…” (4). He had the commitment, faith, and courage to stand firm for his beliefs. Abinadi’s example has shown me what it takes to become firm in my beliefs. I recently received my mission call to the Colorado, Colorado Springs mission and have had a lot of different thoughts of doubt and discouragement come into my mind. As I read about his story and learned about his commitment, my mind was cleared and I was able to control these negative thoughts. I have realized that the Lord has been preparing me for my mission throughout my whole life and that I do have what it takes to be firm in my beliefs.
One easy way we can start becoming firm in our beliefs is bearing our testimonies. People can shoot down our teachings but they cannot shoot down our testimonies. This personal gift will surround you with the Spirit and give you the necessary strength to stand firm. I would just like to close with my testimony, I know that when we stand up for our beliefs God gives us extra strength to proclaim His word. We may be call upon to be firm in everyday situations or in life defining moments, either way it is critical that we stand with God and our beliefs. The spirit will confirm unto you that what are standing for is right because “…the Spirit speaketh the truth and lieth not…” (5). I know if we follow the example of Abinadi we will be a beacon of light in this world that has so much darkness. God hears our prayers, knows our actions, and the strength of our spirits. What He asks of you in this life may seem overwhelming and very difficult, but if you stand firm and endure the blessings in store are immeasurable.
(1) Jacob 3:1
(2)Alma 2: 28
(3) Enos 1:4
(4) Mosiah 12:9
(5) Jacob 4:13
LDS Scriptures CD-ROM Edition Standard
Joe, I like the way you use questions to focus each of your paragraphs. And thank you for sharing about your mission call--that is neat!
Joe, congrats on your mission call, that is awesome! Also thank you so much for sharing your testimony about being firm in the gospel. Great picture:)
I liked hearing about your mission call! I also liked how you focused on Abinadi throughout your blog.
Joe, nice job! You may want to proofread a little more. That first paragraph is when people should be drawn into your essay and they may stop and go on to something else if the intro is confusing. I really liked hearing about your mission call! Thanks for sharing your testimony. =]
I actually like the question, answer scenario you used. And while your questions seemed basic, your comments were insightful. I really liked how you related firmness to faith and courage.
I enjoyed the comment your dad left with you when he said that the only way to become firm is through prayer and through testifying of its truthfulness to people.
First of all congrats on the mission call that is awesome and I wish you the best of luck :)! Your blog was simple but very profound I really enjoyed it. I also liked how you talked about how bearing your testimony will make you firm in the gospel.
Enjoy your mission. The Lord will bless you for your righteous desires. I love your testimony. It is amazing what you said about people not being able to shoot our testimony. Stand firm and serve. Thank you.
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