Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior set the example for all mankind to follow. He has done countless wonderful things for the benefit of all mankind because he loves us. And, he suffered for our sins in Gethsemane and then died for us on a cross, a death that was reserved for the lowest of criminals. He was the most perfect being who ever walked the face of the earth, yet he was esteemed so low that he died among thieves. “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.” [1] If we want to return and live with him we must follow his example. In order for us to be his disciples we must follow in his footsteps, to be an ambassador of Christ by doing what he would do. At times we too will be despised and rejected for being a disciple of Jesus Christ, but it is a small price to pay since Christ paid the ultimate price of us.
There will be times when our values will conflict with the values of the world, and the church as a whole will be despised of men. The November fourth election brought great changes in this country. Other than a new president which was elected, the other notable change was that California, one of the most liberal states in the union, banned gay marriage. It was a huge success for Christians from all denominations who were trying to preserve marriage as a sacred union between a man and a woman. However, there was and continues to be a backlash from gay activists who support gay marriage. Rallies and Protests against Latter Day Saints’ temples, churches, and businesses have been prominent ever since the election. Church Leaders have been threatened, vandalism has occurred, and boycotts of anything “Mormon” has been done. One business in Los Angeles was bombarded with protesters after word leaked out that the manager’s daughter donated one hundred dollars to the passing of the amendment. These protestors caused serious emotional harm to this girl and have gone so far as to yell obscenities to any of the restaurant’s customers. The media is also portraying the LDS church in a negative light, viewing us as bigots and oppressors of human rights. Even though the church being persecuted for its involvement in banning gay marriage, we will not back down from doing what Christ would have us do, “But behold, the righteous that hearken unto the words of the prophets, and destroy them not, but look forward unto Christ with steadfastness for the signs which are given, notwithstanding all persecution.” [2]
There are numerous stories in the Book of Mormon of great prophets of God who were despised and rejected of men for following the commandments of the Lord. One prophet, Abinadi tried to bring the people of Nephi unto repentance. The people rejected his words and sought to take away his life. Eventually he was brought before the wicked King Noah and his priests for trial. Abinadi faithfully delivered the message that the Lord wanted him to give, even though he knew he would be put to death. Nevertheless, Abinadi was faithful and the King sentenced him to death by fire. [3] Abinadi was rejected and despised, even unto death, for following Christ.
A time will come when we must make a choice to follow Christ and be rejected of the world, or to not follow him and be loved of the world. What the world values and what Christ values will always conflict, and we must choose what we will follow. “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” [4] As Christians, we have decided to follow Christ and observe his teachings. It comes down to which side you want to please, Christ or the World. When I was in high school a very popular girl invited me to a birthday party she was having. I was new to the school and I really wanted to make friends and belong to a crowd. However, I knew that this was not the kind of party where the spirit could dwell. The party was B.Y.O.B. (Bring your own beer), and there would doubtlessly be inappropriate dancing and who knows what else. But surely I could go and still keep my standards by not participating in these things, right? I had to make a decision, if the spirit couldn’t go, I would not go. This girl was, of course, mad at me for not going and I was never welcomed into her crowd. I was despised and rejected by her because I kept my standards. It was all for the best however, shortly after I met some people who had the same standards as me.
At times the saints of God will be rejected of men because we are not of the world. “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” [5] However, at times it will be necessary for us to reject the world to keep the standards of God; in return, we will also be despised and rejected of men. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, who walked perfectly upon the Earth, truly set an example for us to follow. I know that even though we may be rejected of men for our convictions and values, Christ is always pleased when we follow him. I would rather make my Savior happy over my actions then to make the world happy. It is okay with me to be hated of the world, because that means that I am being a disciple of Jesus Christ.
[1] Mosiah 14:3-4
[2] 2 Nephi 26:8
[3] Mosiah 11-17
[4] Luke 16: 13
[5] John 15:19
The photograph you posted is so clear and powerful. Your message is also clear and powerful. I like the sincerity and commitment that your thoughts and experiences convey. The California present persecutions and the high school past party story are effective examples of how we must not heed the shame of the World. I still wonder how people could have rejected the Lord, someone who was perfectly loving and wise in every way.
I also like the photo that you included in your blog. As they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words." I enjoyed your testimony and the experiences that you shared. For future reference, you could be a bit more careful with your grammar. Thanks again!
I thought your scripture references were really relevant so good job on that. I also liked the examples you used to demonstrate how men of God have always been despised and rejected. I especially liked the timeliness of the example of Prop 8 and the aftereffects.
I'd have to agree with Sister Hallen. The picture is what I love the most because it gives a perfectly clear idea.
I really liked this post and your comment that God's values and what the world values will always differ.
Great blog! I liked how you brought in real life and current issues. It made it easy to connect with and kept me interested.
Great post! Great uplifting blog based around our savior. Thanks for your words!
That is so great! I love your personal experience and even though you might have been able to go without participating in any immoral acts, you told yourself and your friends that if the spirit couldn't dwell there, then neither could you. GOOD FOR YOU!!
I liked how you talked about how sometimes the world conflicts with our values and beliefs. You mentiond some major issues going on right now, and its interesting how it is like that with the little things too. Yet it all makes a difference in the end. Thank you for your testimony!
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