I have been a member of many different groups throughout my life: I was on the school basketball team, a member of the band, in National Honor Society, and many others. For each of these clubs we had t-shirts to set us apart from other groups and to create a sense of unity between members. Not everyone who wanted a t-shirt got one, they had to earn it. Try-outs were required for the basketball team to prove your skill and ability to contribute to the team. Grades, essays, and interviews were all a part of becoming a member of the National Honor Society to prove your work ethic and integrity. I believe that those on Lord’s side also have a garment to set them apart from the rest of the world; it is the robe of righteousness.
As we learned from the parable of the prodigal son in Luke, not everyone can have the robe of righteousness, it is earned, and it can be lost, as well. The younger son in the parable took up his belongings and went out on his own. “There [he] wasted his substance with riotous living.” What he had been given was taken away from him because he turned away from the Lord and “lean[ed]… unto [his] own understanding.” What we can learn from the younger brother is the next step which he takes. He realizes what mistakes he has made and states that “[he] will arise and go to [his] father.” When his father sees his son’s transformation and his desire to return to him he brought forth his “best robe” for him.
We can parallel this with our own lives. As we come to Christ he will welcome us with open arms. Hymn number 117, “Come unto Jesus,” illustrates this point perfectly:
Come unto Jesus; he’ll ever heed you,
Though in the darkness you’ve gone astray.
His love will find you and gently lead you
From darkest night into day, to day.
Christ wants us to come unto him. He wants us to humble ourselves and leave our pride as we follow him through the gate to the path of righteousness.
I know in my life that things tend to run smoother once I point Christ at the focal point. When I get discouraged and frustrated I take a moment to reflect and quickly realize that I’m not facing in the direction that I need to. How comforting it is to feel his arms of love and compassion around you and be so close to receiving the robe of righteousness.
In 2 Nephi 9 it explains what happens to us after we pass from this mortal state: “we shall have a perfect knowledge of all our guilt, and our uncleanness, and our nakedness…” This situation does not seem ideal. How comfortable are we going to be in the presence of our Lord? Contrasting the first stated situation, “[t]he righteous shall have a perfect knowledge of their enjoyment, and their righteousness, being clothed with purity, yea even with the robe of righteousness.” Christ will reward us for our obedience and strivings toward a righteousness life by handing us our robe of righteousness.
How is it possible that we can turn our lives around and be “clothed with purity”? Through Christ’s atonement we can be cleansed. Our robes will be “made white in the blood of the Lamb, because of [our] faith in him.” Christ already did his part and has robes available for all those that come unto him. He is waiting for us.
Luke 15:11-32
Proverbs 3:5
1 Nephi 12:11
2 Nephi 9:14
Huish, Orson Pratt. “Come unto Jesus.” LDS Hymnal: 117.
Your words are powerful because of the way that you linked the concepts and scriptures together. The life experience was a good way to begin the discourse. Well done.
I like the way you pulled in examples are other "robes." Good job! It is beautifully worded.
You really touch my heart with this post...thanks
I loved the parallels you made. Then the comparison of the scriptures was amazing. I love the picture you included. Just looking at it I could feel the joy from the man receiving his robe. What an amazing thing to look forward to.
I like how you mention that the robe of righteousness has to be earned, it is not simply just given to you. I also love the song "Come Unto Jesus" that you use to help illustrate your point. Great job!
I really liked the hymn you chose, it illustrates Christs plan and his love for us. I also enjoyed the part about reflecting on your life, we should take a couple minutes out of our day to just meditate. Thank you!
The picture you chose was absolutely perfect for this blog. Christ has a robe for us already, we just need to show our "skill and abilities" so that we can receive it. Great post!
I like how you compare the robe to different teams or groups in school and how it strengthens unity and must be earned.
"Though in the darkness you've gone astray.. His love will find you and gently lead you.."
That was something I really needed in a time such as this. Everyone struggles and it is easy to forget that we are loved and will always have a place with the Father should we choose to accept it. Thank you.
I love the prodigal son story, for he repented and came to his father. How wonderful that we can come to our Father in prayer and in actuality and recieve of Him garments of righteousness.
I love the parable of the Prodigal Son. It has taught me that I can always try again when I initially fail or go astray and not to judge others, but to forgive them and allow God to judge them. Thank you.
I was really struck by the story of the prodigal son. It is reassuring that even as he made mistakes, he was able to return to his father, just as we are able to return to ours.
I loved how you talked about earning the T-shirts! Yay, clubs! I've worn choir robes, but I have to admit, I never thought of comparing them to any scriptural things (they remind me more of Harry Potter;) haha)
I loved your first paragraph--it was a good comparison and immediately drew me in. I also like the fact that you included a hymn. Hymns are scripture too, and I think too often we sing them in Sacrament Meeting and ignore the words.
Great Job
The robe of righteousness has been a foggy topic for me. You made your topic very clear and i enjoyed when you said that you have to earn it and that it just isn't thrown upon you. Thanks for your words and heartfelt testimony.
That is one of my favorite Hymns because it lets us know that it is up to us to let Christ into our lives. He knocks and we must let Him in. And I love how well that picture works with this topic.
Wow! I guess I never really put what we do everyday and our robes as the same thing. Robe ourselves with righteousness.
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